Kayaking at Wekiva Falls

Few activities give the outdoor enthusiast such a varied array of experiences as kayaking. Whether you are seeking the heart-stopping exhilaration of a roller coaster or the serenity and peace of getting lost in the moment, you can find your passion in a kayak.

There are many different types of kayaking. While whitewater kayaking involves navigating swift moving rivers, the waters at Wekiva Falls are considered Flatwater, kayaking that takes place in large bodies of calm water that can include anything from a brief lazy day on the water to a long day kayaking on the ocean. Our guests love to fish from their kayaks too.

People from all walks of life are becoming addicted to flatwater kayaking at Wekiva Falls. Some are die-hard kayakers while others thrive on a leisurely paddle along a quiet and secluded body of water. And others do it simply for the relaxation and light exercise.

Whatever your circumstance, one thing is certain. The indescribable feeling you get from stepping into a kayak, pushing away from land, dipping the kayak’s paddle into the water, and taking that first stroke! As you leave your cares, problems, and stresses on the banks and shores of your lives, you are floating, and you are free.
Kayaking is for anybody looking for an opportunity to get out and enjoy the outdoors. In addition to being a fun, easy, and enjoyable, kayaking is also a great low-impact workout.

And if you don’t own a kayak, don’t worry. You can rent a kayak at our marina, right here at Wekiva Falls.

1. Kayak because it’s fun
When it comes down to the essential reason why people kayak it all comes back to this one reason. Paddling a kayak is fun, relaxing, and easy to do.

2. Kayak to be close to nature
Kayaking in the middle of mother nature is better than most other activities. In many cases, you will be able to travel to and see sights only accessible by water.

3. Kayak to be with friends
Kayaking together builds relationships. Whether your friends and family share a competitive streak or just like to hang out, kayaking is a great time.

4. Kayak for exercise
There are few outdoor activities that offer a both light exercise and stress-relief. Kayaks will offer you this benefit regardless of the type you choose to paddle.

5. Kayak for adventure
You never know what you’ll see floating along Wekiva River. The wildlife, the beautiful trees and flowers, and many other sights.

6. Kayak to relax
There are few things more relaxing than sitting in a kayak and watching the sunset over a lake. Kayaking can offer stress relief like no other. Some would say, “Even a bad day of kayaking is better than a good day at work.”

7. Kayak to fish
Kayaking facilitates and enhances many other activities. There is no quieter way to access those hard to reach fishing holes than by drifting in a kayak.

8. Kayak to Stay Cool
Don’t let the summer heat get the best of you. Cruise up Wekiva River under the shade of trees and take in the cool breeze.

9. Kayak for exercise
Whether a person is just a few years old or upwards of 60, they can enjoy kayaking. Kayaking reaches across these generational lines and simply does not discriminate.

10. Kayak for a date
It’s an amazing romantic way to get away together. Kayaking is a great way to spend time with that special person in your life!
